A raft lashed atop foam medallions used to host a wooden toy tank.
This design project was made with a single length of plumbing PVC, twine, 1/2 a pool noodle, silicone caulking and fishing bobbers. First I cut down the PVC into various forearm lengths and sealed the ends with the silicone caulking. The I laid them next to each other using the twine in an interlacing pattern to lash the tubes together like a raft. The use of fishing bobbers was 100% decoration and did not aid in the 'Float' aspect.
Jen launching my Lowe's Pros raft at the beach
All of the materials were bought from Lowe's or found from around my home. In total it cost less than $10 for everything. After several trial runs I was worried about the wooden tank getting wet and becoming moldy as it was meant for my son.
Alas, the tank did stay dry for the entire time!!
This led the pool noodle being cut down and adhered with silicone caulking to the bottom of the raft. I had some material left over and sliced it up a bit and added them to the bobbers for more fun.